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'We can’t change the world in a day but as a renowned company we are able to set a good example. For that reason, we can proudly say, we stand for fair materials.'
We want people to realize that gold mining is often still done in a harmful manner, hurting the environment, as well as people's lives. Our intent is to show that mining of gold and diamond can be done safely. Child labour and a hazardous working environment must be avoided at all times, naturally. We opted for the Kimberley Process, which has as its goal, preventing conflict diamonds. That is why we only work with diamond dealers that use that same process..
Click here for further information on the Kimberley Process.
We also strive to make use of Fairtrade gold, created from recycled gold, according to the Agreement on Responsible Gold.
DiamondsByMe holds in high regard the principles and guidelines set out by the Responsible Jewelry Council. While we are not officially affiliated as members, we consider their standards to be an invaluable framework that guides our practices
Every day a few grams of pure gold are extracted from a ton of gold ore. This relatively small result requires the processing of tons of raw rock. In turn the processing of rock requires the use of massive machines that consume large amounts of fossil fuel. These giant machines operate all day and release a host of harmful substances into the environment. Additionally, the gold extraction process often involves the use of large amounts of water, cyanide and mercury. Most of the waste ends up in surface water and damages the environment.
Often the work environment in the gold mining industry is equally harmful. Around the world there are about 2,5 million people working in gold mines, most of them work in a dangerous work environment. It’s not uncommon for mine shafts to collapse or to have shortages of safety equipment for mine workers. On top of that, the workers often work extremely long days in an environment that is harmful to their health.
Many people think slavery in mines is a thing of the past, sadly this is not the case. Even nowadays the gold mining industry is one of the sectors where an employee is most at risk of having to perform forced labour. Men, women, even children, work in poor remote areas. Often working in the mines is the only means to survival for these people. The reward that awaits them is a meagre wage the workers receive in exchange for endangering themselves.
At DiamondsByMe, we think an exquisite jewel doesn't start with a finished product. It starts with the materials we use to make this jewel for you. That is why we follow these sustainable processes of manufacturing:
Hereby we strive for the values of the RJC, or the Responsible Jewellery Counsel.
Your jewellery is not just created with passion, but also from materials that were obtained responsibly. Let’s be honest, shouldn’t a beautiful piece of jewellery have a beautiful story to tell?