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We pride ourselves in providing our clients with a wide range of customization options. That is why we selected an equally wide range of precious stones to pick from when designing your own bespoke jewellery. For each type of ring various precious stones are available.
If the particular stone you would like is not available on our website we are always willing to look into the option of having it ordered elsewhere.
DiamondsByMe is the first jeweller in the Netherlands to actively promote the use of Lab Created
Diamonds in their bespoke jewellery. Lab Created Diamonds are real diamonds produced by experts themselves.
Due to a revolution in the diamond trade, we are now able to offer a wide range of coloured diamonds. The colour of your average diamond is often called white or colorless by most people. This white or colorless diamond is also the type of diamond that is found most often in nature and jewellery. Diamond may, however, appear in other colours than white as well, such as: yellow, brown, green, gray, and black. These diamonds are often called Fancy Colour Diamonds.
When determining the quality of a white diamond’s colour any hint of yellow will detract greatly from the stone’s value. The more yellow a diamond is coloured, the lower its value. For more information about the appraisal of diamonds, click here. Despite yellow discolouration being a negative property for white (colorless) diamond, yellow diamonds are highly sought after as well. The yellow colour of diamond that belongs to the Fancy Colour family is truly stunning, a bright canary yellow. Because of its intense colour and other properties, the value of this Fancy Colour Diamond will appreciate. Finding a clear yet intensely coloured diamond is a rare occasion however.
A colorless (white) diamond is made up of the element carbon. During the creation of a fancy colour diamond, then, a change needs to occur in the core of the diamond. This change in the diamond’s core will enable its colouration. A different element may be added, for example, or a small ‘error’ may occur in the formation of the crystalline structure.
When carbon is compressed into diamond deep underground, sometimes other elements are included during this peculiar process. These are the elements that may cause the diamond to appear in a unique colour.
The formation of naturally coloured diamonds is pretty rare, and because of their scarcity the Fancy Colour Diamonds are extremely valuable.
To get your hands on one of these beautifully coloured diamonds, there is the option of giving a diamond a HPHT treatment. With the help of this treatment it is possible to create diamonds in any colour you can imagine. Recently, coloured diamonds have been all the rage, which lead to perfection of the process behind their creation. To find out more about HPHT treatment for diamonds, click here. Due to improved techniques, these coloured diamonds are near impossible to distinguish from their natural counterparts. The colours of the diamond may range from pastel to a bright fluorescent … .To learn more about naturally coloured diamonds, click here.
Yet still, the colouring of a diamond is a troublesome process. While it sounds ideal, not every diamond’s colour can be altered in the desired manner, and not every diamond can be changed to the desired colour. Often there is already some colour present in the core of a diamond, and as a result different diamonds will have different predetermined optional colours. Of course, the people who work with the colouring process have an eye for determining what colour a diamond may be turned into, they will be able to recognize the end result beforehand.
A plain example might be that of a brown diamond, this brown diamond will never be able to turn yellow. The treatment will darken the existing shade of brown present in the diamond. Our Aqua Blue diamonds, for example, are made from near white diamonds, while our Royal Blue diamonds were made from brown ones.
And even with the treatment options available, some colours of diamond are harder to obtain than others. Pink and purple diamonds, for example. These are made from high quality white diamonds which are coated in a colour before the treatment.